An unemployed man, 29, has become one of Britain's youngest grandparents after his daughter gave birth at 14.
Shem Davies and his former girlfriend Kelly John, 30, were overjoyed when their daughter Tia, who was born when her parents were 15, gave birth to little Gracie earlier this month. Tia's boyfriend, Jordan Williams, is 15.
Shem said: 'It is an absolute joy to see Gracie thriving. I'm incredibly proud of Tia. She'll be a brilliant mum. At first I wasn't overly pleased that she was pregnant but I soon got over than. Now it's all about being positive.

'I've got to know Jordan and he's shaping up to be a decent young man,' Shem told The People.
However, nurses at the maternity unit were left embarrassed after they thought the young grandfather was in fact the teenage father of Gracie.
Apparently when he entered the ward they thought the 29-year-old looked so fresh-faced they asked him to prove he was over the age of 16.
But the arrival of Gracie wasn't easy as Tia was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, seven weeks before her due date.

The latest figures show in 2009 38,259 girls under 18 became pregnant, but nearly 50 per cent had a termination.
The UK still leads the way when it comes to young mothers, and our rate is five-times higher than in the Netherlands and twice that of France and Spain.
source: dailymail