Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions 2011

Dublin train-lines under snow

You just have to do it really, it doesn't feel right to come to the end of the year and not make hugely unrealistic plans for the New Year.

As regular readers will know, this blog started life when I was sick and hadn't worked for months. It has somehow survived returning not just to work but to college and slowly returning to health. It's become a 'happy place' to go when politics and the real world are just too much to take. And in spite of learning over the last 18 months that the best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry, here we are again making more plans.

So in 2011, and bearing in mind your sports interest in coming to this blog, I'm hoping for:
  • Keeping back injuries at bay with clinical pilates 
  • Working on the base I've built-up to start running again 
  • Keeping respiratory illnesses at bay and getting back in the water 
  • Doing a multi-day walk in Ireland 
  • Climbing a mountain - any mountain but no roads allowed 
Wishing everyone who reads this health, happiness, honesty and love for the New Year. What about you, what do you hope for in 2011?

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