Monday, January 10, 2011

Anita Bean Nutritionist

Don't worry, this blog is not turning into one of those 'you're so fat' places. Nutritionist and author Anita Bean is one of my favourite people even though we have never met. Reading her nutrition books will answer any questions you could possibly have about eating right for great sport.

No nonsense about blood-types or cabbage soup or only eating while standing upside-down wearing purple. Just common sense and a scientific breakdown of what food really is and how it helps us stay alive and healthy. Both  "The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition"  and "Sports Nutrition for Women" have recipes, the relationship between energy burned and taken in plus factual information on the dreaded female athletic triad and other scary things.

Bean has written 24 books but they are the two I love. The most useful pages are the easy-to-read tables on vitamin and mineral breakdowns for a long list of foods.
Have you read any of her other books? Or do you swear by someone else to fuel you up every day?

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